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High Digital

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Designing. Building. Delivering

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High Digital

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Designing. Building. Delivering

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128 Kemp House
United Kingdom
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High Digital

Designing. Building. Delivering

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Aut aliquam et at quod. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Aut aliquam et at quod. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Aut aliquam et at quod. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

High Digital


Number of Employees
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Year Founded
Founding Year

We design, build, and deliver data products.

Were experts in data products with a lot of experience in Analytics & BI, MarTech, SaaS, ESG, and logistics products.

Based in the UK, with additional support from skilled developers in India, High Digital offers a full product team, including project managers, designers, and engineers.

Collaborative and agile, we cover all areas from product planning and design to UI/UX, development, delivery, and support.

Communication with our clients is key. Which is why we work to an agile inspired method of process. First, we dig deep to ensure we understand exactly what you want and need. Well then create an initial proposal of timescale, budget and design.

Once everyone is happy, we work to two-week deliverable sprints. The project plan is always accessible in JIRA and we have an internal daily stand-ups to monitor daily tasks.

High Digital is Cyber Essentials Certified and ISO/IEC 27001 Accredited.

High Digital
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128 Kemp House
United Kingdom

High Digital


High Digital

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Hanse Analytics

East West Trade Analytics

HanseAnalytics V2 – Innovate UK Grant / Beta Launch
In 2020 High Digital obtained a grant from The Sustainable Innovation Fund to further grow Hanse’s search capabilities and feature international trade data.

The UK’s Innovations Agency realised that an investment to enhance the Hanse data analytics tool would be “an important step towards sustainable economic development”, as it would help small and medium-sized businesses across the country to explore new global trading opportunities. Once again, we were hugely excited to work with Dr Mandeng on delivering the new and improved Hanse.
We rebuilt the Hanse website, increased the search capabilities, added a new BI tool, and switched from using only annual data to providing both annual and monthly.
The new Hanse site with its enriched database and improved search tool launched in Sept 2021. The available monthly data on Hanse is pulled from the UN Comtrade database as soon as they upload it for increased accuracy. We also added more reporting countries to provide subscribers with a wider range of potential trading partners to choose from.

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Enrich B2B

Enrich B2B

Enrich B2B is a tool that validates whether a lead still works at a company with real-time lookups against their LinkedIn profile

A new joint venture to create software that validates whether a lead still works at a company by using real-time lookups against LinkedIn profiles that return a validation score.

Using our considerable experience in the industry plus case studies from prospective clients we built the minimum viable product and are now conducting client user testing to develop further

Launched in August 2022 - very positive reception and adding paying customers.

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Agent3 / oneninefive Data Platforms


oneninefive by Agent3 are demand-generation specialists. They help global B2B brands connect with buyers.
TaskAgent3 and oneninefive needed our expertise across a variety of projects.
Firstly, to help support their existing tech stack. Then secondly, to plan and evolve their digital infrastructure. And finally they wanted more bespoke digital products added to their arsenal of data tools.
ActionWe spent time with oneninefive to understand day-to-day operations and what the key objectives were for each project. The tech managers ran us through their existing systems, highlighting the benefits and limitations to the business. Once we had all the facts, we assembled a team of developers and designers who understood the inner workings of the active digital infrastructure. This meant they could easily provide support when needed and make improvements as they built the new data tools
ResultWe successfully launched two data tools and an updated version of oneninefive’s campaign hub, which is used by bidding partners to help manage their work.
While these projects were in progress, we found new ways to improve data flow and user processes, so the operational applications run more efficiently. In the coming weeks and months, we expect to release more applications.

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The Marketing Practice

TaskThe team behind Argus approached us with the challenge of taking their unique lead generation platform from concept to market.
ActionArgus required significant renovation as well as innovation before being ready to launch. Having been stuck in development since 2015, Argus was a patchwork of design elements and data types. We worked closely with their team, immersed ourselves in their business and stripped everything back to focus on their original goal.
ResultThe Argus platform was launched to the market ahead of schedule, delivering immediate returns while picking up a few awards along the way. Our teams remain close, evolving the platform to maintain it’s unique edge in the martech space.
As a result of this software, our client has been acquired in a multi-million-pound deal.

High Digital


Jason Newton

Head of Design

With over 20 years’ experience in the design industry, Jason has worked with an impressive mix of B2C and B2B brands from around the world. With a strong graphic design background and technical knowledge, he’s passionate about crafting digital experiences that get our clients results.

Oliver Mackereth

Managing Director

I am the founder and MD at High Digital Ltd a Certified Scrum Product Owner® and AgilePM® Practitioner

a Review
High Digital
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High Digital

Curriculum Dev & Guest Speech for Career Training & Dev Co
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Project Summary

High Digital Limited enhanced the data analytics and software development curriculums of a career training and development company. Moreover, one of their key members was a guest speaker at a bootcamp.

The Review

High Digital Limited was instrumental in refining the client's curriculums, as their expertise enriched project management in the digital sphere. The guest speaker offered valuable contributions and insights, demonstrating knowledge and excellence. Moreover, they were highly collaborative.

Think Employment

Ziada Tesfamichael

Business Development Manager
Think Employment
Review Date:
June 18, 2024
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Overall Experience
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Custom Software Dev & Design for Real-Time Data Lookup Tool
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Project Summary

A software company hired High Digital Limited for their custom software development and design services. The team was tasked with an enterprise-ready data platform.

The Review

The platform was delivered on time and within budget and functioned according to the client's specifications. The team utilized Agile methodology to execute tasks efficiently and held weekly calls to ensure both sides were always in sync. Also, their detail-oriented approach was commendable.

Enrich B2B

David Stubbs

Enrich B2B
Review Date:
June 18, 2024
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Quality Of Service
Timelines and Deadlines
Cost Vs Value
Overall Experience
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Graphic Design & SMM for Price Comparison Platform
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Project Summary

High Digital Limited has developed a series of ad concepts for a price comparison platform. The team produces graphic materials and static, carousel, and video ads for Facebook and Instagram campaigns.

The Review

High Digital Limited has successfully met the client's expectations and delivered high-quality work on time and within budget. The team communicates clearly via virtual meetings, emails, and phone calls. Overall, they're helpful, proactive, and creative partners. Customers can expect great service.

Comparison Systems Ltd

Geoff Pestell

Comparison Systems Ltd
Review Date:
June 18, 2024
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Timelines and Deadlines
Cost Vs Value
Overall Experience
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Website Development Services for Private Equity Firm
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Project Summary

High Digital Limited designed and developed a website for a private equity firm to highlight the company's identity, services, and offers. The team was also tasked with maintaining the platform's performance.

The Review

High Digital Limited delivered the website ahead of schedule without compromising its quality. The team was well-organized and responsive, and internal stakeholders were particularly impressed with the vendor's deep knowledge and team dynamic.

ARCH Emerging Markets Partners Limited

Noreht Viljoenm

Head of HR
ARCH Emerging Markets Partners Limited
Review Date:
June 18, 2024
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Cost Vs Value
Overall Experience
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Web Design for Personal Training & Life Coaching Company
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Project Summary

High Digital Limited has designed a website for a personal training and life coaching company. The team has created a logo, improved social media presence, and hosted the site.

The Review

Thanks to High Digital Limited's efforts, the client has seen an increase in audience engagement and clients. The team has excellent project management and is always on time with deadlines. They respond quickly to queries and issues via email and phone. Their customer service is commendable.

Camilla Willows PT

Camilla Willows

Head Couch and PT
Camilla Willows PT
Review Date:
June 18, 2024
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Overall Experience
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Website Design & Dev for Renewable Energy Solutions Co
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Project Summary

High Digital Limited designed and developed a new website for a renewable energy solutions company, integrating it with their digital marketing platform and CRM system. The project required API development.

The Review

High Digital Limited delivered a high-quality website, meeting high design standards, timelines, and all of the client's targets. The team showed a willingness to meet the client's expectations and an impressive personal approach. They also were detail-oriented and treated the project as their own.

Renewable Energy Solutions Company


Renewable Energy Solutions Company
Review Date:
June 18, 2024
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Quality Of Service
Timelines and Deadlines
Cost Vs Value
Overall Experience
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Custom Software Dev for Data Analytics Startup
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Project Summary

High Digital Limited was hired by a data analytics startup to develop a custom software. The solution helped analyze international merchandise trade data and had a UI that showed visualizations.

The Review

High Digital Limited completed the deliverables within the agreed schedule. The team communicated with the client through in-person and virtual meetings, email, and a messaging app. Moreover, they were adaptable to project challenges and were proactive in providing solutions.

East-West International Trade Analytics Ltd

Ousmène Jacques Mandeng

Founder & Director
East-West International Trade Analytics Ltd
Review Date:
June 18, 2024
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Overall Experience
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High Digital


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High Digital

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