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High end video production - Pretty pixels only

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High end video production - Pretty pixels only

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2424 E York Street, Ste. 219
United States
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High end video production - Pretty pixels only

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Aut aliquam et at quod. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

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Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Aut aliquam et at quod. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Aut aliquam et at quod. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Abstract Background Texture

Product title

Product information, Lorem Ipsum. Fuga atque qui. Ullam facere quibusdam. Dolorem ut id. Eum ullam laborum et. Aliquam voluptate ut.

Loaded Pixel


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Creative development, high-end video production, visual effects, editing/post-production. From Fortune 500 clients to boutique ad agencies we’ve done it all.

Born and based in Philly since 2012, we’re here to tell your story. With over 20 years of broadcast experience Bobby Reed (Executive Producer) began working in live & post production as a professional for Fox Sports Midwest in St. Louis. He later moved into the Pre & Post game producer role for FS Kansas City producing 280 shows for the Kansas City Royals. Following that he became a national editor at Versus and NBC Sports. As well as working live events for such clients as FOX, NBC, ESPN and CBS. Highlighted by the 2010 World Series, 2011 Stanley cup final, 2018 Winter Olympic games, Wimbledon and Super Bowl LI & LIV.

Over the past 5 years he’s produced a feature length documentary, “Unschooled” that premiered at the Doc NYC Film Festival in 2019 & SXSW EDU 2020. As well as a short, “Eleven Past Ten” that was accepted into the Philadelphia Film Festival.

His dream has always been to produce creative, unique and fun entertainment for those folks watching at home, theatre, bar or mobile device.

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2424 E York Street, Ste. 219
United States

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